Have you ever thought about some of the things we say? We say an awful lot of silly things and some are just plain untrue. Most often I believe we say them because it is what we have heard all our life and we repeat them without realizing what we are saying. Let's look at just one of those things. I can pick on this one because I used to believe this 100%.
"My mistakes have made me who I am."
Oh, sweet friend, you are who you are because of the GRACE of the Most High God! You are who you are because He has plans for you and He isn't finished with you! You are who you are because He is GOOD! You are who you are because He is in the business of redemption, taking a mistake, something totally out of His will and His plan and bringing good from it. He is touching your life and that verse in Psalm that says, "O taste and see that the Lord is good..." well, He is giving you a taste!! Give Him the praise He deserves for that!
I can look back at my life choices and see where I am now and KNOW that I shouldn't be here. I should be dead. I should be in jail. I should be an alcoholic. I should be anywhere but here. But He is GOOD! And when I think of all this I fall in love with Jesus all over again. My blessings, my "good luck", whatever you want to call it has never had a thing in the world to do with me. It has all been the grace and mercy of my wonderful Heavenly Father.
Please don't buy the lie that your mistakes have made you who you are. My mistakes have never done anything for me except bring me heartache. But my GOD has chosen to bring me to a place of healing and hope. He has loved me and pursued me even in my most unlovable state. Even when I didn't want anything to do with Him. For that, I stand in awe of Him. He will always be worthy of my praise for what He has already done.
The enemy would love for us to say that we are who we are because of the mistakes we have made. After all, if we are "here" because of mistakes doesn't that mean we are doing just fine on our own? Or does it mean God is choosing to gives us that taste of His goodness and beckoning us to come closer to Him because He has so much more to offer us?
God is beckoning. God is wooing. God is showing His love for you by giving you just a glimpse of the wonderful things He wants to give to you. But first we have to draw near to Him. He will give us a taste but He is calling us to the banquet! Come sit at the table!
"O taste and see that the Lord is good;
How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!"
Psalm 34:8
Insightful as always! How much coffee have you had this morning to be this coherent so early?