Friday, February 21, 2014

He MUST Have Me Around for Entertainment...

If my husband were to walk in the door right now, I would have a lot of (insert voice of Ricky Ricardo here) 'splainin' to do.

Today, I ventured into the realm of domestic diva and attempted to make my own laundry soap.  I had attempted this on an earlier occasion trying the pioneer method of stirring until my arms felt like limp noodles to get all the lumps out.  Eventually I deemed it "good enough" and went on with the process.  Suffice it to wasn't.

So today I decided to try a "no cook" method for the "domestically challenged."  I must say, I took a bit of offense to that title and decided I don't receive that.     

Anyway, off I go to prove that I am NOT domestically challenged with a proud tilt of my chin and a determined glint in my eye.  It didn't last long.

It began with trying to clean the flopped detergent out of the containers they were in.  What I got for my effort was a gloppy, clumpy mess in my sink that bubbles.  Nice.  On the other hand, it did make an alright sink cleaner.

Then I figured out that when I began the process, 48 hours ago, I had separated my bar of soap into two bags instead of putting the whole thing in one bag and inadvertently soaked the soap in 4 cups of water instead of 2.  Oops.  Now what?

I quickly think, Double batch!  I run to my closet and begin to dig out canning jars and THAT requires pulling everything out of my side of the closet to get to said jars.  As I am furiously unwrapping jars and throwing newspaper, I realize it won't work.  I do not have another bar of soap or another 48 hours handy in which to dissolve the soap.


Leaving jars strewn all over and my closet upended, I return to the kitchen.  Finally I decide to dissolve my other ingredients in half the amount of boiling water called for, add my watered down soap and hope for the best.  All went fairly well after that until I managed to get a jar not quite the right size for the blender and narrowly avoided a shower of detergent and glass!  Changed to another jar and blended.  Crisis over.  Whew...time for a rest.

Or so I think.

The phone rings.  It's the school nurse telling me my oldest son is sick and needs to be picked up.  Okay.  I am still in my Tweety Bird PJ's so this is not a welcomed development.  AND I still have to go to Walmart.  (No, it couldn't wait)

Now I'm home with a boy in the bed, jars everywhere, bedroom looking like the closet vomited its contents all over and I sit here blogging in the midst of my mess.  

When my honey gets home he'll get to hear this whole story and we will share a good laugh together.  It's part of what makes being married worth while.  To have someone who will laugh with you and even help clean up a mess or two.

You know, God loves us like that.

We can make some of the biggest messes but He's always there to pick up the pieces.  Even when we can't laugh about it, He's there with strong arms to hold us while we cry.  

Yesterday I ran across these verses and they touched my heart.  Today, shaking my head at myself, I am hearing them again in my mind and it is making me smile.

 "...I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness. Again I will build you and you will be rebuilt, O virgin of Israel! Again you will take up your tambourines, and go forth to the dancers of the merrymakers."
~Jeremiah 31:3-4

God loves us with an everlasting and unfathomable love.  You may get irritated, frustrated, aggravated or just plain ugly during the course of a hectic and hair-raising day but remember that the Lover of your soul is always there waiting to embrace you and rebuild you.